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Support Hospitality NT

Businesses can support Hospitaity NT by becoming a Corporate Partner or joining as an Associate Member: 

Partnership Benefits

Hospitality NT places great importance on recognising corporate partners and is pleased to give them support in return.  Hospitality NT encourages all members to give preference to our corporate partners when searching for the right supplier to suit the needs of their business.

In today’s competitive market, why not give your business the best possible opportunity by becoming a corporate partner. There are several levels of partnership with Hospitality NT, depending on the level of financial commitment: 

Platinum Partners

Gold Partners

Silver Partners

Bronze Partners

If you are interested in Corporate Partnership with Hospitality NT please call the office on (08) 8981 3650.

Associate Membership

This level of membership provides an excellent introduction to Hospitality NT for suppliers wishing to establish and enhance their relationship within the hospitality industry. 

Associate Members have access to leading industry representatives through invitations to all Hospitality NT events including, the prestigious Hospitality NT Awards for Excellence, Hospitality NT Annual Conference, Gold Plate Awards, the Hospitality NT President's lunch and other events held throughout the year.

Associate Membership also includes corporate contact listing in our annual Hospitality NT printed “Suppliers Guide, subscription to the Hospitality NT weekly E-newsletter - ‘Weekly Update’ and listing on the Hospitality NT website.

Additionally, Associate Members will be offered discounted member prices to all events as well as any other services offered by Hospitality NT.

Once again Hsopitality NT encourages all members to give preference to our Associate Members when searching for the right supplier to suit their specific needs.

If you are interested in partnership with Hospitality NT please contact the office on (08) 8981 3650.