Home > Memberships > Restaurant/Cafe/Small Bar/Breweries and Distillery Division

Hospitality NT’s Restaurant/Cafe/Small Bar/Breweries & Distillery Division represents is a recent change in our constitution in recognition of these sectors of the NT's hospitaltiy industry. 

Hospitality NT recognises the unique and challenging operating environment that these businesses face, many are small family run businesses and have a suite of resources and information that can assist restaurants run their businesses.

One of the most popular resources Hospitality NT provides its Members’ are our IR services, including assistance with any queries relating to the Restaurant Industry Award, National Employment Standards and the Fair Work legislation.

Hospitality NT provides all of its members free Wage Rate tables, which are updated each year and which summaries all classifications and their correct wages in all circumstances (e.g. includes overtime and applicable penalty rates).

Hospitality NT can also assist with licensing matters and any other issue that are impacting Members. 

For more information on becoming a member of the Restaurant/Cafe/Small Bar/Breweries & Distillery Division of Hospitality NT, please contact our office on 8981 3650.